Trezor® Wallet®

The official wallet - GitBook. An update for Trezor Suite (version 22.9.3) is now ready to install. To download and apply … is the official portal to begin your journey with Trezor hardware wallets. It provides detailed instructions and resources to help users set up their Trezor devices, ensuring their cryptocurrencies are secure.

Why Use a Trezor Hardware Wallet?

Trezor hardware wallets are renowned for their top-notch security features. Unlike software wallets, which are susceptible to online threats, hardware wallets store your private keys offline, making them impervious to hacking attempts.

Getting Started with

Creating Your Account

  1. Visit Open your web browser and navigate to

  2. Create an Account: Follow the prompts to create a new account, providing necessary details such as your email address and a secure password.

Setting Up Your Trezor Device

  1. Unbox Your Trezor: Ensure you have all components, including the Trezor device, USB cable, and recovery seed card.

  2. Connect Trezor to Your Computer: Use the provided USB cable to connect your Trezor device to your computer.

  3. Follow On-Screen Instructions: The Trezor website will guide you through the setup process, including installing the necessary firmware and software.

Security Features of Trezor

Pin Code Protection

During the setup, you will be prompted to create a PIN code. This PIN adds an extra layer of security, ensuring only you can access your Trezor device.

Recovery Seed

The recovery seed is a crucial component of your Trezor's security. It is a list of words generated during the setup process, which you must write down and store securely. This seed allows you to recover your funds if your Trezor device is lost or damaged.

Managing Your Cryptocurrencies

Adding Cryptocurrencies

Trezor supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies. To add them to your wallet:

  1. Open Trezor Wallet: Navigate to the Trezor wallet interface.

  2. Select Add Account: Choose the cryptocurrencies you wish to add and follow the prompts.

Making Transactions

  1. Select Cryptocurrency: Choose the cryptocurrency you want to send.

  2. Enter Recipient's Address: Input the recipient's wallet address.

  3. Confirm Transaction: Review and confirm the transaction details on your Trezor device.

Tips for Enhanced Security

  • Regularly Update Firmware: Keep your Trezor device's firmware up-to-date to protect against new threats.

  • Use Two-Factor Authentication: Enable 2FA for additional security.

  • Secure Your Recovery Seed: Store your recovery seed in a safe, offline location.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues:

  1. Check Connections: Ensure your Trezor is properly connected to your computer.

  2. Consult Support: Visit Trezor's support page for help with common problems.

Conclusion is your first step towards securing your cryptocurrency investments. By following the setup process and utilizing Trezor's robust security features, you can confidently manage your digital assets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What if I lose my Trezor device?

    • Use your recovery seed to restore access to your funds on a new device.

  2. Can I store multiple cryptocurrencies on Trezor?

    • Yes, Trezor supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies.

  3. Is my Trezor device safe from online threats?

    • Yes, since Trezor stores your private keys offline, it is highly secure against online hacking attempts.

Last updated